19 Nov 2013

BBC ( Communities Build in Bussiness )

Network Marketing Communities Building 

you must to build locally.
Be careful at what you spend your time thinking about. Make sure you are taking action daily. Even if it’s small steps, be consistent. Lastly, find out what your purpose is and focus all of your energy on it.
  1. Dreams
  2. Belief
  3. Culture
  4. Vision
  5. Hope
  6. Teamwork
  7. Retention 
Don’t look at change as bad, change is good. 

Don’t Expect an Immediate Result                                                                                              
We have all heard the more you give the more you receive. You need to trust this process. The more you communicate, network and add value to your conversations, the more people will want to do business with you and refer you.

  • Model a Mentor
  • Watch The Time
  • Be Careful Not to Blow The Deal
  • Say Thank You
Building a Stronger Team Build locally and think globally” 
  • If you want to start a local meeting and you are not comfortable doing them at your house go to a local coffee shop like Starbucks. As you grow a little start asking local restaurant owners if you can do a small meeting there once a week. Tell them you will commit to everyone atleast buying a drink and on one of their slow nights. Most restaurant owners will say yes. They love to have people in their restaurant buying on a slow night. As a bonus as they get to know you better they may join your opportunity.

Important Rules in Networking for Success.
Title: BBC ( Communities Build in Bussiness ); Written by rekwis; Rating: 5 dari 5

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